Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Creative Outlets Revisited

I used to make pottery (ask my mom about this next time you go over to her house, as she will gladly give you a tour of her collector pieces).

I used to host a radio show at during my university years. It was called The Jazz Hour over it's 2 year run, though it lasted about 3 hours per show. I wanted it to be a comedy show, though it was mostly a 20 year old's exploration of the great jazz albums that stocked the station shelves. I proudly tried to book authors on book tour, and scored a coup when I convinced Jerry Brown (now the California Governor, but then a presidential also-ran) to talk to me. I remember he mostly said what he wanted to say.

I used to write letters. I have written about this before, and it is a dying art.

So the question today, then, is how to rekindle my creative output. I certainly get to be creative at work, which I enjoy quite a bit. But I suppose I need to find some way to go and just be creative, for myself, without any particular goals.

I am thinking I should try writing something. But what do I have to say? And I would secretly accept a terrestrial radio show if one were to become available.